One of Erik Barajas' photo from elementary schoolnone

Melanie Lawson during the 1980s while working at ABC-13none
Tom Koch has had the mustache since the 1980snone
ABC13 anchor Gina Gaston when she was in kindergarten.none
ABC13 sports reporter David Nuno during his first radio interview in 1988.none
ABC13 reporter Christine Dobbyn in her younger years practicing her reporter skills.none
Art Rascon back in his days reporting in Los Angelesnone
ABC13 reporter/anchor Elissa Rivas was a high school cheerleadernone
Katherine Whaley in kindergarten!none
ABC13 reporter Jessica Willey played varsity volleyball in high school.none
Ilona Carson snowboarding as a teen with her brothersnone
ABC13 sports reporter David Nuno during his first radio interview in 1988.none
Pooja Lodhia, behind the masknone
Pooja Lodhianone
Tracy Clemons covering the snow in Charlottesville, Va. in 2009none
One of ABC13 anchor Gina Gaston's photos from high schoolnone
One of Erik Barajas' elementary school photosnone
Pooja Lodhia with her fathernone
Steve Campion skydivingnone
Pooja Lodhia with her familynone
Melanie Lawson with her younger siblingsnone
Courtney Fischer, sittin' pretty and working hard reporting on the Kentucky Derby.none
Consumer reporter Patricia Lopez showing off those blast from the past bangs!none
Melanie Lawson with our chief photographer Bernard back in the daynone
Melanie Lawson during the 1992 election coveragenone
Miya Shay and Casey Curry met Tim Gunn several years agonone
Steve Campion spent time in Greece during collegenone
Chauncy Glover with his late brothernone
Deborah Wrigley and ABC-13 photographer Jaime Zamora worked together back then and still work together today!none
Gina Gaston hasn't aged, but we promise this is a throwback photo!none
A younger Tim Heller doing the weather in Dubuque, Iowa.none
Melanie Lawson and her family back in the day!none
Consumer reporter Patricia Lopez meets fellow Texan and legendary journalist Walter Cronkite.none
Samica Knight with Destiny's Childnone
Tom Abrahams with his daughter, who is now in high school!none
Katherine Whaley and her momnone
Pooja Lodhia celebrating a birthday as a kidnone
A 16 year old Tom Abrahamsnone
Tim Heller in high schoolnone
Gina Gaston hasn't aged, but we promise this is a throwback photo!none
Consumer reporter Patricia Lopez is glowing in her eighth month of pregnancy in this Flashback Friday photo.none
Art Rasconnone
Samica Knight in kindergartennone
Art Rascon and his wifenone
Erik Barajas (middle) and his siblings with the Easter Bunnynone
Gina Gaston and her husbandnone
Samica Knight with her grandfathernone
Gina Gastonnone
Kevin Quinnnone
Melanie Lawson at the Rodeo years agonone
Melanie Lawson at the Rodeo years agonone
Gina Gaston and her mom on her wedding daynone
Melanie Lawson and her fathernone
A very glam Melanie Lawsonnone
Melanie Lawson as a child with her familynone
Melanie Lawson as a childnone
A little Chauncy Glover in his double-breasted suit on Easter Sundaynone
Ilona Carson with her little boy Pierce, who just turned 3!none
Steve Campion reporting for his college's TV station at the University of Floridanone
Samica Knight with her momnone
Katherine Whaley in her middle school daysnone
Melanie Lawson with Hakeem Olajuwon and Charles Barkleynone
Samica Knight with her momnone
Katherine Whaley at the Houston Rodeonone
A throwback of Melanie Lawson on the anchor desknone
Back when Melanie Lawson used to be an Eyewitness News reporternone
Jessica Willey covering Anna Nicole Smith's inheritance court casenone
Ilona Carson with a kangaroo!none
A baby Samica Knight with her momnone
Consumer reporter Patricia Lopez and daughter enjoying a trip at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.none
Courtney Fischer celebrates Simone Manuel's Olympic gold at Bush Intercontinental Airport in 2016.none
Mayra Moreno celebrates a birthday way back when. So cute!none
GIDDY UP! Steven Romo probably would have made an incredible cowboy, but we're glad he grew up to be an ABC13 reporter instead!none
Here's the amazing Marla Carter before she came to ABC13! Before Houston, she served as a reporter in Oklahoma.none
Melanie Lawson as a child and her familynone
Courtney Fischer dons a gorgeous hat while reporting on the Kentucky Derby at a previous news job.none
Steven Romo was one adorable baby!none
Melanie Lawson with her little sister - notice the big tube TV!none
Courtney Fischer is no stranger to covering breaking news. Before coming to ABC13, she was a reporter in Pittsburgh.none
PHOTOS: Throwback Thursday photos of ABC-13 talentnone
Melanie Lawson on a vacation to Vancouvernone
Check out Courtney Fischer's incredible hat as she reports back in the day from the Kentucky Derby!none
Samica got to meet Peter Jennings when she interned at ABC-13 in collegenone
Erik Barajas with his family on his wedding day, 14 years agonone
Ilona Carson and a friend at the beachnone
Courtney Fischer will always stand up for you, even if she has to use a stool.none
Pooja Lodhia with her fathernone
A young Pooja Lodhianone
Pooja Lodhia as childnone
High schooler Foti Kallergisnone
Melanie Lawson as an ABC-13 reporter during the 1980snone
Kevin Quinn circa 1989none
Miya Shay at her high school prom in Oklahomanone
Katherine Whaley as a kindergartenernone
Pooja Lodhia still makes these faces in the newsroom sometimesnone
Steve Campion was a freshman in college when he decided to tackle an item on his bucket list - skydiving!none
Katherine Whaley as a little girl sitting on Santa's lapnone