Do's and don'ts of Thanksgiving: Tips on surviving the dinner table

Saturday, November 18, 2017
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- It's that time of the year when family and friends come together to celebrate a day of thanks and feast on a plethora of food.

Whether you are doing the cooking, or simply showing up, there are some simple do's and don'ts to survive Thanksgiving dinner. In a world where our phones are always buzzing to the latest news, social media post or gossip, it's important to keep the basic table manners.

Have you ever had someone show up at your home unannounced? Thanksgiving dinner is also not the place to do so (avoid the awkward interactions).

It may seem like something harmless, but bringing a plus-one without telling the host could ruin plans.

"Sometimes people prepare food for just enough people," Ni'Kesia Pannell told ABC13.

Pannell, a lifestyle expert, also listed other don'ts while at the table:

  • Never season the food without tasting it first. Doing so could be a sign of disrespect to the person who cooked the food.

  • Never reach across the table for food. Always ask the person seated next to you to pass the food, or any other item.

  • Never put your napkin on the table! Proper etiquette is to place the napkin in your chair if you have to leave the table.

  • Bringing up politics could be a recipe for disaster at the dinner table. Word of advice: stay away from it.

Ever had someone bring up the person that you just spent months getting over? Yep, that's another topic you should stay away from at the table.

Don't be that person.


What are things you should do on Thanksgiving?

Remember the reason for the holiday season and enjoy the time around family and friends. What better way than showing that you are thankful by giving back to the community? There are several organizations in the area that often look for help on Thanksgiving Day.

On Thanksgiving Day, the Salvation Army will continue its tradition by feeding the homeless at three locations in Houston. Full a full list of locations, visit the Salvation Army's website.

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