This state park near Houston is perfect for your quarantine vacation

Saturday, July 18, 2020
HOUSTON, Texas -- Summer travel presents an interesting conundrum to those who want to get away during a pandemic. Crowded planes, dubiously cleaned hotel rooms, and questions of safety make for hefty challenges to vacation planning.

One option that Americans are choosing in the era of social distancing is a trip to state parks. With a staggering 8,565 state parks nationwide, locals have myriad options for safe travel. Now, a new survey ranks those scenic getaways, and two beloved Texas spots rank high on its list.

HomeToGo has unveiled its 2020 US State Park Index, which ranks and scores 20 state parks across the U.S. Palo Duro Canyon State Park (near Amarillo) lands at No. 2 on the list, while the Houston-area Brazos Bend State Park follows at No. 3.

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