There are very few details about the person shot and killed by police, other than he is an "unknown aged male."
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The situation began when League City police received a call about a robbery at the CVS store at 1295 E. League City Parkway around 5:30 p.m.
When officers arrived, they found a female clerk injured at the store. She was able to give police a description of the suspects.
During a search of the immediate area, an officer came across an unknown aged male in a neighborhood.
The officer ended up in an altercation with the man, and at some point shot him to death.
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We do not know the name of the person killed by police, or whether this man was one of the robbery suspects.
Back in the neighborhood where the shooting occurred, there is a bright light illuminating the scene.
The neighborhood has been blocked off by crime tape, and sheriff's investigators appear to have a long night ahead of them as they piece together what happened.
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