What should you do if you lost your health insurance?

Friday, April 10, 2020
Unemployment in the U.S. is at record levels, due to the coronavirus crisis.

As the number continues to climb, people without jobs could also be without health insurance.

SEE ALSO: You've just lost your job amid the coronavirus outbreak? Here's what you need to know

"I think what this crisis is revealing is real gaps in our health coverage system and a real lack of a safety net for people who are losing their jobs and also losing their health insurance," Jennifer Tolbert, director of state health reform for the Kaiser Family Foundation, said.

If you lost your health insurance because you lost your job, there are resources to help.

Health Insurance Marketplaces

Job loss or loss of income qualifies you for a special enrollment period. There are federal subsidies that will lower the cost for the premium for those who have lost their job.

READ MORE: Federal government will pay for COVID-19 treatment for uninsured


In Texas, only adults with dependent children qualify for Medicaid.


Cobra is a continuation of the coverage you had through your employer, but it will likely cost you more than what you paid through your employer.

Tolbert says there's another future concern: the cost to cover uninsured Americans who could contract COVID-19 and require hospitalization.

"We estimate the total cost to be anywhere from $14 billion and $40 billion," she said. "That certainly doesn't take into account the large anticipated increase in the number of uninsured as a result of the job losses we are currently seeing."

Whether you have health insurance or not, if you do start to show symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical help.

"While people who are uninsured who end up in the hospital may face some large medical bills, it is also quite possible there will be policies or proposals put in place to alleviate that burden on individuals," Tolbert said.

If you need additional help or have questions, Tolbert says you can find a specialist whose job it is to help you find coverage that you qualify for on healthcare.gov.

Follow Bhre Berry on Facebook and Twitter.

RELATED: 7 tips you need to know now when filing for unemployment
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