The shooting happened Saturday morning. Police say 34-year-old Boris Jackson Colindres-Herrera was killed, and 40-year-old Gustov Blanda was shot in the torso and taken to the hospital.
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Authorities believe 46-year-old Julio Noches-Cerna was the shooter. He is charged with murder and aggravated assault.
Preliminary information from police said there may have been an argument about a soccer game that escalated to the shooting.
However, Fatima Martinez, the owner of the restaurant, who was there when the shooting happened, believes it was a targeted attack.
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Martinez shared the surveillance video that shows the moments right before the shooting. In the video, you can see the suspect, Noches-Cerna wearing a hat, standing around with others before walking over and firing four shots directly at Colindres-Herrera.
Martinez said Colindres-Herrera was a close friend of hers and he was like a brother. She said he was a hard worker and leaves behind a young son who still lives in Honduras.
Steps away from where he lost his life, a collection jar sits on the counter, helping raise money for his funeral. Martinez says she is still in shock this violence happened at her family restaurant.