Baby monitor captures thief burglarizing home

Sunday, February 11, 2018
FLORIDA (KTRK) -- A Florida homeowner witnessed a terrible scene in his baby monitor. A man breaking into his family home.

Luckily, no one was there at the time, but the homeowner says he doesn't feel any less violated.

Guillermo Gonzalo says he kept getting alerts from his nanny camera.

"I'm receiving a notification that someone's in my house," Gonzalo said.

Suddenly, the dad sees a man in a dark hooded sweatshirt prying open the window and climbing inside his home.

As the dad's watching the burglary unfold, he's calling 911.

Gonzalo thinks the burglar cut the screen and tried going through the back before breaking into his daughter's window.

"Someone had removed the screen, must've put two screwdrivers or at least a crowbar, and jammed it in behind here where there's two notches," Gonzalo said.

He says the creeper first rummaged through the toddler's changing station, then went into his wife's closet.

"And came immediately for her jewelry box," said Gonzalo.

After stealing purses and cell phones, Gonzalo said the thief closed up his daughters window before splitting.

"You feel powerless. And you're the provider of the house, you're the father, the husband. You've got to make sure people are protected. And this is supposed to be your fortress and you can't do anything about it," Gonzalo said.
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