Green Beret donates liver to save nephew's life

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
A Green Beret who nearly died in Iraq has become a hero on the home front, saving his little nephew's life.

Hudson Hill was born with a defective liver - one that turned his skin and eyes yellow when he was just weeks old.
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Doctors determined that little Hudson needed a liver transplant, and preferably from a living donor.

Hudson's parents weren't a match, but his uncle Trevor was.

Trevor has been in combat zones five times. He almost died in 2005 when his team was attacked.

"We rolled over and two of the four people in my vehicle were killed instantly," Trevor said.
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Comrades pulled Trevor out of the flaming wreckage.

"Ever since then, I have survivor guilt from, you know, why did I survive and those two guys didn't. And I also have, these guys saved my life and what do I do to pay that back?'' Trevor added.

He paid it back by giving his nephew 15 percent of his liver in a delicate operation.

Trevor now has a scar across his abdomen to remember his special gift.

He said, "We'll always have something special. Maybe someday I'll be able to have a cocktail with him, and my liver will be processing both of the drinks."

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