HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Freebies, galore! There are a variety of events and activities over the weekend for people who love books, nature and food and the Astros.[br /][br /][b][u][url HREF="http://www.bookwormfestival.org/" TARGET="" REL=""]The Bookworm Festival[/url][/u][/b][br /][Ads /][br /]The Bookworm Festival is a fun morning that celebrates emerging readers, and those who write for them.[br /][br /]Jan 21, 2016[br /]8:45-9:30 - Event opens for registration[br /]9:30-10:00 - Introduction of authors and keynote in the cafeteria[br /]10:15-10:45 - Session 1[br /]11:00-11:30 - Session 2[br /]11:30-11:45 - Activities in the courtyard[br /]11:45-12:30 - Book signing in the cafeteria[br /][br /][u][b][url HREF="http://www.hcp4.net/Community/Parks/Jones/Programs" TARGET="" REL=""]Arbor Day Celebration[/url][/b][/u][br /]Celebrate Arbor Day Saturday and Sunday from 10am - 4pm. Take home a free sapling, and get planting and care tips. Exhibits highlight local trees and Webelos can fulfill the Into the Woods adventure with a self-guided activity. Join a staff naturalist on a Winter Tree ID Walk on Saturday at 10am and 2pm to identify dormant trees using bark, twigs, and other features.[br /][Ads /][br /][u][b][url HREF="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/national-cheese-lovers-day-the-melt-baybrook-tickets-20021253107[br /]" TARGET="" REL=""]National Cheese Lovers Day[/url][/b][/u][br /][br /]Attention all cheese lovers! There's a special event calling your name at The Melt in Baybrook Mall.[br /]Celebrate National Cheese Lovers Day on Friday. They'll be offering all guests who purchase a grilled cheese or cheeseburger a free one. The event is 4 - 8pm.[br /][br /][u][b][url HREF="http://mlb.mlb.com/hou/fan_forum/fanfest/index.jsp" TARGET="" REL=""]Astros Fan Fest[/url][/b][/u][br /]Saturday, January 21st[br /]11am - 4pm[br /]Minute Maid Park[br /][br /]ADMISSION IS FREE*[br /]*Must claim an admission voucher; however, vouchers will be available at the Box Office on the day-of[br /][br /]Join us on Saturday, January 21st as we gear up for the 2017 season and get ready to send our players off to Spring Training. FanFest will be sure to get you excited about Astros baseball! Admission to the Astros FanFest on Saturday, January 21st is FREE; however, all fans must have an admission voucher to enter FanFest. Claim your voucher for Astros FanFest today![br /][br /]Parking Info[br /]Designated parking will be available in the three (3) Astros parking lots (A, B, and C) for FREE[br /][Ads /][br /]Parking will be available in the Diamond Lot for Season Ticket Holders on a first-come, first-served basis.[br /][br /][u][b][url HREF="http://www.rodeohouston.com/visit-the-show/pre-show-events/trail-rides%238276508-northeastern" TARGET="" REL=""]Houston Trailriders' animals taping for Animal Planet's Vet Life[/url][/b][/u][br /]Houston's own Dr. Aubrey Ross, co-owner of the Cy-Fair Animal Hospital and co-star of Animal Planet's The Vet Life, is offering a free clinic Saturday, January 21 from 9a.m. -12 p.m. in East Houston at Bruno's Triangle Seven Arena, 8001 E. Parker Rd. 77078.[br /][br /]The clinic, which will be taped by The Animal Planet for the show, is to make sure the Northeastern Trail Ride's 250 animals and teams pulling 8 wagons are healthy enough to hit the trail February 25. The ride will travel 109 miles from Cheeks, Texas to downtown Houston to kick off the rodeo at the parade March 4th.[br /][br /][u][b][url HREF="http://houstonarboretum.org/events/arbor-day-2017/" TARGET="" REL=""]Arbor Day 2017[/url][/b][/u][br /]Saturday, January 21[br /]10:00 am - 2:00 pm[br /]Celebrate the Arboretum's 50th anniversary with a very special Arbor Day! Enjoy free, fun activities for the whole family, including guided tree hikes, woodturning demonstrations, crafts, seed and sapling giveaways, food trucks, and more.[br /][br /]Arbor Day Activities and Crafts:[br /][ul][li]Guided tree hikes[/li][br /][li]Woodturning demonstrations[/li][br /][li]Nature crafts[/li][br /][li]Seed and sapling giveaways[/li][br /][li]Food trucks[/li][br /][li]Nature Playground with fun children's area[/li][br /][li]Arbor Day[/li][/ul][br /][u][br /][b][br /][url HREF="http://www.nothingbundtcakes.com/" TARGET="" REL=""]Nothing Bundt Cakes[/url][/b][/u][br /]Buy one Bundlet get one free!