A few months ago, Messiah El left a bread trail and was shocked when Bambi followed the crumbs inside the house and made herself at home.
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"Now, when she comes in the house she likes to get fed," El says. "Her favorite spot is the couch. She'll go over (and) sleep on the couch, wake up and tap on the door when she's ready to leave. Then she goes back to the woods."
And yes, Bambi also taps on the door when she has to go out to use the bathroom too.
She likes car rides and gets along with kids and the dog, but not the cat.
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She answers to the name Bambi and they now consider her one of the family members. They bathe and groom her and remove ticks.
"She kind of acts like another dog in the way that she likes to get attention," El says. "If a dog or any other animal gets too much attention, she will butt in for her turn."
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El says he doesn't own the deer. She just comes and goes every few days, but always comes back. They just have a unique bond.
He has been contacted by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources, which let him know that allowing deer into the house is illegal possession of wildlife.
El is now looking into obtaining a deer license.
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