If the IRS didn't have the right banking information for you, they sent four million stimulus payments on pre-paid debit cards. One big mistake consumers are making is throwing the debit card away, thinking it's a scam or junk mail. We told you how a Chapel Hill woman thought it was a scam, so she threw the card away.

Chapel Hill woman accidentally threw her stimulus money away
She's not alone as Troubleshooter Diane Wilson heard from dozens of people who did the same thing, thinking it was junk mail. If you did do that, you can request a new card for a small fee. You call Customer Service at 1.800.240.8100 and select the "Lost/Stolen" option.
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If you don't want your stimulus money on the prepaid debit card, you can transfer that money to your own account. You can also use the debit card at an ATM to get cashback or at the grocery store to get cashback. To take any of these actions, you can either call 1.800.240.8100 or find out how to take these steps head to https://www.eipcard.com/faq
Anonymous customer donates stimulus check to Raleigh small business owner denied PPP twice
The big takeaway, if you're expecting your stimulus money, open your mail to check for the prepaid debit card, the envelope will state it came from Money Network Card Services.
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You also need to be on guard for scammers. They are hoping to cash in on these cards, so if you get a call or email wanting you to verify the numbers on the card, ignore those calls and emails.