
Woman: Stalker sending harassing messages through fake Facebook accounts

Thursday, April 6, 2017
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Sam Lindsey holds her breath every time she goes on her Facebook page. Tucked between notes from friends and family are often dozens of harassing messages from someone she doesn't know.

"It used to be really scary when you're getting messages saying you're going to die, your animals are going to be poisoned, or your parents are going to get shot," said Lindsey, who has been getting the messages for about 11 years.
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Lindsey says she's filed police reports over the years, but since there's been no physical contact or harm, local authorities can't do much.

Her network of friends are also getting harassed.

"He's just a cyberbully," said Ashlee Haws, a close friend who began receiving messages after becoming friends with Lindesy. "It could even be a woman. We have no idea who the individual is, it's crazy."

University of Houston Computer and Information Systems Assistant Professor Chris Bronk is well versed in cyberbullying. He says in reality, the women have few options.

"Unfortunately, unless stalking is from down the street, there is very little local law enforcement can do," said Dr. Bronk.

He says law enforcement generally focus on cyberbullies that are in the same community as the victim, such as going to the same school.
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Bronk said tightening up privacy settings on your various social media accounts can help -- or more drastically -- shut it all down.

"My advice will always remain turn off the box," he said.

Lindsey, who is now expecting a child with her boyfriend, is more concerned than ever over the unknown harasser. She is hoping, that a cyber crimes expert somewhere, will offer to help find a way to track down the bully. She believes if the bully can be identified, then law enforcement would have an easier time of shutting that person down.

"I've been dealing with this for years, I've kind of gotten to a point where I've just given up even trying," she added.

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