SELFLESS ACT: Celebrity chef cooking up meals to help Florence relief efforts

Sunday, September 16, 2018
WILMINGTON, North Carolina (KTRK) -- Celebrity chef and volunteers are in North Carolina serving hot meals to Hurricane Florence survivors and first responders.

Chef Jose Andres formed World Central Kitchen to feed people after disasters.

Andres and his volunteers team up with local chefs and kitchens to distribute meals to shelters. The organization says they are prepared to serve up to 150,000 meals.

"We start taking over trying to feed as many shelters, neighborhoods, National Guard or the amazing Wilmington Police -- anyone that is in the need of a hot plate of food," Chef Andres explained.

Chef Andres launched World Central Kitchen in 2010 following the major earthquake in Haiti. Andres also helped provide meals to evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center during Hurricane Harvey.
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