Where to drink right now: 10 new Houston happy hours to start summer right

Thursday, May 31, 2018
HOUSTON -- If the Rockets have been bounced out of the playoffs and weather people are talking about the heat index, it can mean only one thing. Summer has arrived in Houston.

While most outdoor activities are not recommended between, say, 10 am and 8 pm, the need for refreshment is greater than ever. And with gas prices creeping up towards $3 per gallon, everyone is looking to save a couple bucks.

Did someone say food?! Houston food lovers, unite!

Thankfully, Houston's restaurants understand that people still want to enjoy themselves. Whether it's catching up over cocktails to debate the plot of Killing Eve or pre-gaming before a night at the Juice Box, don't miss these happy hour options from both old favorites and some of this year's most exciting new arrivals.

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