Arrest made in case of fake truancy officer who abducted, sexually assaulted Alvin girl

Friday, October 22, 2021
ALVIN, Texas (KTRK) -- Authorities have arrested a man they believe abducted and sexually assaulted an Alvin girl after he claimed he was a truancy officer.

John Orozco, 36, was identified by Brazoria County authorities thanks to a citizen tip just hours after they put out a sketch of the suspect in the incident. He was taken into custody around 10 p.m. Thursday.

RELATED: Man pretending to be truancy officer wanted for abduction and sexual assault of Alvin girl

Orozco is accused of approaching a girl near Alvin High School on Oct. 19 and persuading her to get into his vehicle by claiming he was a truancy officer, according to the Brazoria County Sheriff's Office.
After the girl got in his car, Orozco drove out of town to a boat ramp on Chocolate Bayou off Highway 35 and sexually assaulted her, authorities said.

After the assault, the victim told police that she was dropped off back in town around 7 p.m. that night.

Orozco was booked into the Brazoria County Jail with bonds totaling $550,000 for aggravated kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault charges.

He was already wanted for unrelated felony aggravated assault and deadly weapon family violence charges in Bee County, sheriff's office representatives said in a statement.
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