
Experts say 2022 hurricane season will be another above average season: Here's how to prepare

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The 2022 hurricane season has arrived, and experts say it is expected to be yet another season with more storms than usual.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, known as NOAA, predicts there will be 14 to 21 named storms this year, of which they say 6 to 10 could become hurricanes.
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There were 21 named storms in 2021, the third most on record.

So why are we in for another above-average season? La Niña is one reason.

"La Niña reduces the amount of wind shear across the Atlantic. That means there are no strong winds that can tear storms apart, so it is more likely that they will develop, and when they do, it is more likely that they will strengthen," ABC13 Chief Meteorologist Travis Herzog said.

Herzog explains warmer than average water temperatures and an enhanced African Wave Train also play a part.

Herzog says we have to prepare for each hurricane season the same, whether a more or less active year is expected, because we don't know where these storms will hit.
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"Perfect example: 1983, there were only four named storms. The first storm was Alicia, a Category 3 hurricane that made landfall in Galveston and then tore through Houston. There were not many storms that year, but the one that hit us was bad," Herzog said.

When it comes to preparations, now is the time to make sure you know your evacuation plan, make a hurricane kit and check up on your flood insurance.

"If you don't already have a policy, you need to get one now. The reason you need to do it right away is that there is a 30-day waiting period for the policy to go into effect from the day you purchase it," said Andrea Kawaja, owner of Afloat Insurance Agency.

If you already have flood insurance, Kawaja says now is a good time to call your agent and make sure your policy is still enforced.

She also suggests taking time now to look over the claims handbook and make sure you know how to document damage properly if you flood.
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"When you're knee-deep in water, that's the last time to think about it. You might want to read that handbook beforehand and know what to do before the bad happens," said Kawaja.

As for preparing yourself, your family, and your home, the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management suggests the following:

An emergency supply kit should include, at a minimum:

  • Seven-day supply of non-perishable canned food
  • one gallon drinking water per day for each member of your family, for seven days
  • Cash: if power fails, ATMs may not work
  • Portable battery or hand-crank radio with the weather band
  • Flashlights for each family member of the family and extra batteries
  • Personal items: medications, extra clothes, hygiene items
  • Seven-day supply of food, water, and medication for your pets

Proactive ways to prepare your home and vehicle:
  • declutter drains and gutters
  • trim trees and shrubs
  • ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working
  • have a fire extinguisher
  • secure and store materials like plastic sheeting or plywood that can help you secure plywood
  • ensure your vehicle is in good working condition
  • keeping your vehicle's gas tank full as much as possible
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