Why dentists want you to eat all your Halloween candy

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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Why dentists want you to eat all your Halloween candy
A Houston dentist said it's okay to eat all that chocolate and Halloween candy. You can even do it in one sitting!

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Are you worried you or your children will develop a cavity after eating large amounts of Halloween candy? Have no fear. A Houston dentist tells ABC13 that eating all those treats Thursday will not give you a cavity.

"I think one of the biggest myths about cavities is that candy, I think just in health in general, is if we can eat in little, small bits over time," he explained. "In general, with cavities, it's that little consistency over time that will cause you problems. We would rather you consume all of it at one time. That way it's in mouth, out of the mouth, cleaned off and done."

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