Dramatic lightning strike caught on camera

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
(ITB Dublin/YouTube)
creativeContent-ITB Dublin/YouTube

DUBLIN -- A woman recording video of a hail shower got the fright of her life when lightning struck right next to her.


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Nicola Duffy, a lecturer at Dublin's Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, told TheJournal.ie that she was filming the hailstone shower for her mother on May 18 when the strike came.

"The mother was on the phone to me, and she just loves the weather," said Duffy. "She said we just had hailstones, and I said wait until you see the rain we're having down here."

As she was recording the video, a bolt of lightning came crashing down nearby with a massive bang so loud, it might as well been an explosion.

"I thought something had fallen out of the sky," said Duffy, who reportedly fell over from the shock.

The lightning appeared to strike on the opposite side of the courtyard where Duffy was filming, though because there was no visible damage done to the building, some speculate that the lightning was a reflection of the strike.

Nevertheless, it's a dramatic moment caught on camera that's been seen over 260,000 times on YouTube.