Editing your closet like a pro

Five to Fab: Editing Your Closet Like a Pro
Rebecca Spera has tips on cleaning out your closet!

We all want to look and feel our best. Well, each week, we're sharing five tips, five items, five products, five ingredients, five steps, five minutes to a more fabulous you, which is why we call it Five to Fab!!!

Every few months, it's necessary, and it's a major job. I'm talking about doing a closet clean-out. Since I know how overwhelming it is, I've brought in Image Consultant Natalie Weakly to simplify the process for us.

1. Purge

Three key questions to ask:

- Does it fit and and look good on you?

- Do you love it?

- Do you have too many of the same things?

2. If you are purging in the "in-between" times, pregnancy, losing/gaining weight and have to work with a modified wardrobe, move everything that doesn't currently fit but isn't ready for a cut to a different section of your closet/different closet or, especially with maternity clothes when you are going from a whole closet to a capsule wardrobe, move everything that currently fits to one section in the most accessible place in your closet.

3. Everything that stays needs to be in wearable condition - tailor or repair any pieces that need some TLC.

4. Once you've edited your closet, get organized! Organize by the way you get dressed, then style, then color.

5. I say this in every closet I go in to, use matching hangers! The mismatch distracts your eye from the main event - your clothes! Some days it's hard enough to get dressed, we don't need hanger clutter bringing us down.

Bonus Tip: Resist the urge to start your edit process with a trip to buy organizing supplies. Buy them last, you'll have less at the end of a good edit and won't need to buy as much.