NY school superintendent eliminates homework for elementary school students

Wednesday, June 13, 2018
NY school superintendent eliminates homework for elementary school students
NY school superintendent eliminates homework for elementary school students.

NEW YORK -- It's a dream come true -- at least, for a fifth grader.

Elementary school students in one Long Island town will be a little less disappointed at summer's end now that the school district introduced a new policy: no more homework.

Long Beach Public Schools Superintendent Jennifer Gallagher announced in a June 6 letter to parents that starting in September, schools will eliminate traditional homework and instead encourage students to read, play and wonder.

In the letter, Gallagher said that research suggests that homework has a positive effect on middle and high school achievements but not elementary school grades.

Instead, students are sacrificing reading time because they're too tired from finishing homework.

"The U.S. Department of Education found that, generally, the more students read for fun on their own time, the higher their reading scores," Gallagher said in the letter.

Teachers will actively encourage reading every day, and Gallagher asked for parents to support their children's "sense of wonder."

"Curiosity is the foundation of learning. Ask your children every night, 'What's one thing you wondered about today?' Research answers to their wonderings," Gallagher said. "And do it together, joyfully. You will model for your child that learning is fun!"

Last month, North Rockland School District in New York also reviewed a no homework policy.

Click here to read the entire letter.